Daily Report: July 11, 2017

1 minute read

Exhibit start and end procedure

Start Procedure:

  • Make sure all programs/windows are closed. Close all black “terminal” windows FIRST.
  • Press the green arrow in the taskbar at the bottom of the screen and WAIT (>5min).
  • Once all screens are black, move mouse/pointer out of view.
  • Test installation with face-in-mask trigger to see if it’s ready – every day, the first dataset should be the host.

End Procedure:

  • Close EVERYTHING. Click on the large monitor screen, then hit F11 on the keyboard to exit Fullscreen. Then look at the taskbar on small feedback monitor to make sure everything is closed.
  • Press the big red button in the taskbar – this icon is at about center-bottom of the screen.

Daily Report template

Dear Nuffield students,

Below is the daily report template for the exhibit. Please fill it out at the end of each day and email it to both me and Goncalo.

Name of host:

Day start:
Lunch break start:
Lunch break end:
Day end:

# of ‘‘good’’ participants:
Estimated average age group:
Brief description of the day:
Best visitor comment:

Any contacts?

Remember that a ‘‘good participant’’ is someone who kept their head still and firmly against the faceplate for the full duration of the session (from when the ‘‘Experiment On!’’ light went on all the way until it goes off). I’ll bring the clickers to Brighton tomorrow (today, aka Wednesday) for counting ‘‘good’’ participants.

Also, you should have recieved an invitation to view a google calendar called ‘‘Surprising Minds exhibit hosting’’. Everything on there should be as we discussed. I did go ahead and schedule the last week of your placement – take a look and let me know as soon as possible if any new conflicts arise.

Lastly, here’s a video with some background on the experiment – very similar to the presentation video I sent you over whatsapp, but better quality and meant for a general audience (that presentation was at a cephalopod research conference).

Ok, that’s all for now. Great job hosting the exhibit today!

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