Daily Report: July 13, 2017

1 minute read

Date: 2017.07.13
Hosts: Alex, Reanna, Danbee

Day start: 9h00
Lunch break start: 13h15
Lunch break end: 14h15
Day end: 16h30

# of “good” participants: 33
Estimated average age group: 14-30

Brief description of the day: The day started at 9am however the exhibit only opened at 2:20pm as we had to deal with aesthetic and technical difficulties concerning replacing the old mask with a new one and rewiring the back plate of the acrylic. We ended up having lunch around 1:15 and finishing at 2:15 because of the setbacks caused by the equipment. The day ended at 4:30 for all hosts.

We also watched all of the visual stimuli to make sure we were familiar with it and therefore knew all the data that the participants were subjected to.

There were 33 good participants and so 33 good pieces of data, most of these people were in the age range of 14-30. Quite a few older people tried the exhibit out today instead of the usual stream of foreign school students swarming over it.

The day consisted mostly of tweaking the exhibit before Danbee’s departure so that the next 3 weeks could run smoothly on the technical side of things.

The horseshoe crab remained resting for the majority of the day.

Best comment: definitely a woman addressing the oriental wolffish and describing that they took part in the Little Mermaid (which I thought was genius as I did not realise until she said it).

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